Thursday, August 19, 2010


What a day!!! Today is the second, yet first "official" day of fall classes. Can I just say: INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!! That is really the only way to describe it. Yeesh! I do like my classes though and I think the one I was most worried about, Biology, might actually end up being one of the easier ones. I am taking Biology, Spanish, Photography, Publication Production (graphic design), and kickboxing. It's going to be a VERY busy semester, but I am looking forward to it. My Pub. Prod. class sounds like it will be totally fun, assuming I ever learn the program we are using, and my photography class will be LOADS of fun, if I can remember what all the numbers mean. Who knew there was so much to photography?!? Not me!!! But I'm excited, and I'm really hoping I can get some treasured wall pieces out of it. And who knows, maybe I will grow up to be a graphic designer or photographer!! All in all, very busy, yet fun, semester!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sometimes I cry a lot

I get in these moods where everything I feel sad about or think about something that makes my heart melt, I cry. I cry because I don't feel loved. I cry because I do feel loved. I cry because I'm so proud of one of my friends or coworkers. I cry because I love my coworkers and I pray that God allows them to one day have more than they have today. I cry because I'm right, and then again because I'm wrong. I cry because I miss my Grandpa, and I cry because I'm so grateful he was mine. I cry about a lot of things. Things that are completely out of my control. Things that aren't really even mine to cry about. Things that God would tell me to let him handle, if only I would listen. Crying isn't just about grieving. Crying is about healing too. Crying is about letting out the bad and embracing the idea that there will be good after the storm. Crying is about letting go, forgiving, loving, hating, being, fearing, sympathizing, rejoicing, dreading, looking forward.

Crying is a verb, and sometimes, the only verb you need.

I hope that makes sense.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Universal Studios

I discovered something kinda cool today while I was at work. I work at Kroger, and we sell gift cards for every restaurant, store, occasion etc. This includes a 2-park unlimited admission gift card to Universal Studios for $89. Very cool, but the coolest part is that it gives you 2-park access for a consecutive 7 days!!! Basically, you purchase this gift card ticket and turn it into the ticket office at Universal for a legitimate ticket that is good for 7 days. Considering that when you purchase tickets on the Studios website for 2 days and it's going to cost you over $100, I was totally pumped about this great deal. My siblings and I are planning a trip to Universal Studios this fall to visit the Harry Potter park, and you better believe I will be taking advantage of this very cool deal!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

No Mouse

So, while I was at work I had my Grandpa check into the mysterious rustling noise. No mouse. No evidence of a mouse. Nothing. A trap has been set just in case.

In other news, I am exhausted. The past two days at work have been very crazy with people stocking up for back to school, and I have done nothing but run non-stop all day long. Today was a lot less busy, but after 2 very busy days and a not-so-great night sleep, I am very tired. However, I got off at 4 today, and I don't go back until Wednesday, so I think I'm going to be ok.

On another note, school starts back a week from tomorrow. I think I'm ready. I've had some time off from summer, and now I'm ready to jump back in. After all, the sooner I get started, the sooner I finish, and the sooner I get to be done with school!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I am deathly afraid of little critters, all shapes and sizes. They scare the poo out of me. So naturally, when I'm sitting by my bed and I hear a rustling sound coming from my trashcan, one that sounds too big to me a bug, I get nervous. When I've been laying in bed after I've just turned out the light, I will hear a soft rustling, like something crawling over paper, but I just thought it was a bug or something. Not tonight. Tonight, I'm sitting here, on my laptop and I hear this LOUD rustling sound. Coming from the trashcan. The one RIGHT BESIDE ME. I've moved. I'm afraid to move the trashcan because mystery noisemaker could jump out at me. I'm afraid to leave it alone because then it could get out in the night and eat me. Plan C, the couch, is looking pretty good right about now.