Saturday, April 30, 2011

Forgive Me... and this will totally be boring

I have been a terrible blogger. I would like to say that the only reason I haven't blogged lately is because I have been blogging for my Humanities class, but that's probably not true. Were it not for those humanities blog posts, this blog might not have had any new posts at all. Well, lots has happened since we last spoke. My second spring semester at ASU is coming to a close, and I think things are going pretty well. I took my Spanish final yesterday, Monday, I have my humanities essay exam and my Environmental Biology test. Noon, Monday cannot get here fast enough!!

On another note,I had thought that I was not going to take any classes this summer, but I have changed my mind. Instead, I will be finishing my Spanish core this summer with my new friend Jessica! I had been looking forward to not having to worry about being studious, or feeling guilty for reading my nook or playing Harry Potter LEGO because surely there is something I should be studying, but it will be nice to have my Spanish class out of the way. Of course, this means I will have a hole to fill in the fall, but that shouldn't be too hard.

In addition to all of that, I have decided to change my major. Right now, my major is Public Relations, but I have decided to change it to Communication Studies, which is still in the same department so I will not be set back at all! And, originally my minor was going to be Spanish, but I just can't take it anymore!! so, I'm thinking of either Psychology or Sociology. I will probably take a few classes in both to help me decide which one, if either.

In other news, I have absolutely nothing going on. This semester I have met some really great people, starting with Jessica, who is my Spanish friend and is just amazing. She and I are like-minded people who have a heart to figure out what it is God wants for us in life and pursue that whole-heartedly. Next there's Katie J., who I met in Aerobics. She and I have hung out and just had fun being spontaneous and care-free. Then there's Katie H., who was in my Bio class this semester and who is an awesome study partner/waste water treatment plant cut-up/"snake charmer" friend. And of course, I can't not give an honorable mention to Wevo, Lindsay, Stanton, Megan, and the hilarious boys who sit behind me in Hum.

That's all for now. I have some other, hilarious, work stories, but those will have to wait for another time. I'm supposed to be writing a paper and studying...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Personal Reflection

I have thoroughly enjoyed my humanities class this semester. Not only because it gave me the opportunity to read things I would not have otherwise read for myself, but it piqued my interest to the point where I would like to read some of the works we read in part in class in their entirety. Having been raised by an English teacher, I have a thorough appreciation for literature and the literature portion of this class reiterated that point even more. I also enjoyed learning new pieces of art as well as ones that most people are already familiar and the culture around which they were created.

What I didn’t like about the class was that it was definitely three classes all rolled into one. While that wouldn’t normally be a bad thing, the fact that we have this class we are getting 4 hours credit for and doing the work for roughly 8 hours credit was a bit overwhelming at times. I also didn’t feel that the professors in the course worked well together in tying each of the three aspects of the course together to make a clear connection between the them. For both the midterm and the final we are asked to write two essays tying the literature, art, and music together within the cultures using the concepts, but there was never a clear connection made in class. The literature portion, which was by far the best, was the only section of the class that thoroughly discussed the concepts and their relevance to the literature. The other two did not even mention the concepts or make any connection to each other or the literature.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and in looking back at my performance in this class, I did not put forth the effort that I A) intended to put forth and B) was required by the course. There is no doubt that my grade will reflect that- I just hope that I pass! I will be taking Humn 2002 in the fall (with you) and now that I have this insight into the course and understand a little better how things work, I will be better prepared for higher success in my next humanities course.

Word Count: 370

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog 9 Understanding of the Upcoming IDEE

Yes, I understand that the format for the essay has changed, and I understand the format itself. Personally, this will make my essay-writing a lot easier and smoother. I had difficulty applying multiple concepts to two different cultures within 3 categories: art, literature, and music. The fact that this essay is in a more traditional format will make things much better.

Yes, I do have a general understanding of how and why these cultures and periods are different and alike, but I will need to look at them more closely in order to fully make a decision on which 2 cultures I will write.

For the themes, again, I will have to look at the cultures more closely in order to make a firm decision on which theme I will choose to tie into these cultures/periods. I do, however, like that we are now able to choose our own themes.

I am in no way prepared for this upcoming IDEE, so I will now write on my plan to prepare myself.

First of all, I need to print out and study carefully the slides for the literature portion of the cultures. Not only do I need to develop a firm grasp on the concepts, but I also need to be able to look at the texts and make clear connections between the concepts and the events taking place in the reading. Next, in reference to the literature, I need to read through the texts more closely now that we have discussed them in class and apply what has been said to what I am reading. Once I have done this, I can narrow down the two cultures on which I would like to write and start coming up with a theme for each or one that will apply to both.

Next, for the art and music, I need to look over my class notes and print off the relevant music slides so that I can apply the concepts and the theme to the pieces on which I am supposed to write.

Word Count: 341