Friday, October 15, 2010


The Broncos game was awesome! My friend Amy and I had amazing seats, I got lots and lots of pictures, and, most importantly, I got to see my Timmy!!! Of course, it was from afar, but I still saw him live and in person. I got to see my friend Amy, whom I had not seen in almost 2 years, and it made me nostalgic to be back in Shelbyville. I either have to stop visiting that place, or just move back altogether. Which I am planning to do once I finish school. It was a very good trip, to say the least.

In other news, it's my birthday weekend!!! Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 26, but who's counting? I had dinner last night with family at the local Mexican restaurant, where I wore a fabulous sombrero, and had my first Tequila shot. I promply spit that back out. It even smelled disgusting. I work this evening and tomorrow night, my actual birthday, but that's ok. I can have birthday lunch with some friends, and then I still have birthday fun with my parents and siblings to look forward to. Good times!