Sunday, February 12, 2012

Game Plan

I'm not going to say that I am unhappy with my size or curves, but I do see room for improvement. Like I already said, I have joined the gym and am going regularly, but I also have to watch what I eat. That is so hard! I ate Subway today and realized I couldn't get my usual steak and cheese sub, but I did find a healthy alternative that I actually liked. Basically, I just have to take it one bite at a time. Really, knowing that certain foods could undo the progress made in the gym, I don't want to eat them; they no longer appeal to me. Don't get me wrong, I am still craving Marcos pizza and some yummy Crazy Turks, but those have to be "treats." Something I can eat after I have made significant, noticeable difference. Seeing as how I am only just getting started, that's going to be a couple of months. :) But that's ok! I am going to look fabulous in no time, assuming I stick to the game plan!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm gonna look like Jessica Alba soon.....

Ok, probably not, but a girl can dream. Seriously, though, my BFF, Raychel, and I worked out today and plan to work out frequently until she moves to Texas in March. After that, I am going to have to hold myself accountable and take myself to the gym. Really, I don't expect that to be much of a problem. I enjoy working out, but it's taking that first step and joining/getting comfortable going to the gym that I have to overcome. Thankfully, I have my Raychel! Anyways, I have had harder workouts at school, but I am still definitely going to be sore tomorrow. Oddly, I'm excited about that. No pain, no gain!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am....

Loved. Fabulous. Descriptive. Educated. Adored. Intelligent. Faithful. Sincere. Loyal. Curious. Funny. Decisive. Short. Efficient. Kind. Productive. Considerate. Happy. Fearless. Important. Enthusiastic. Sophisticated. Talented. Difficult. Cherished. Mature. Guarded. Serious. Responsible. Old-fashioned. Helpful. Quick. Remarkable. Thoughtful. Coordinated. Diligent. Beautiful. Fierce. Simple. Courageous. Dynamic. Smart. Thankful. Aggressive. Shy. Curvy. Elegant. Obedient. Loud. Bossy. Rude. Sassy. Inquisitive. Forgetful. Dramatic. Protective. Selective. Sharp. Well read. Hilarious. Classy. Truthful. Sarcastic. Ruthless. Likeable. Entertaining. Fortunate. Naive. Puzzling. Trustworthy. Defiant. Sensitive. Friendly. Hospitable. Energetic. Capable. Paranoid. Clumsy. Dazzling. Organized. Interesting. Efficacious. Poised. Joyous. Knowledgeable. Kindhearted. Lackadaisical. Magnificent. Worthy. Precious.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Funky Monkey

I am in some kind of funk today. I even went so far as to ask my male best friend to agree to marry me just so I don't have to worry about dealing with douche bags anymore. He didn't go for that. I am just over the whole dating scenario. Men suck at life. I'm really only thinking about one person, and I am so confused about how that went soooo far sour, I don't even know what to think. I mean, we only dated for a month and you would think we had this big long "courtship" that ended because I left a dead cat on his pillow and slept with 10 of his closest friends. Get. Real. And now I have a hater club at work. How did this happen? Petty people, that's how. And stupid, but we won't get into that, lest I be accused of cyber-bullying. I just want to live in a cave and never have to deal with people outside my inner circle ever again. Sounds good to me. But no. Shea Anderson doesn't back down and she refuses to allow stupid, ignorant people to intimidate her. Shea Anderson is the bigger person (only figuratively speaking ;) )!!

Anyways, I need a pedicure...BAD! My feet are 10 different kinds of terrible and those poor Korean ladies, or wherever they are from, are going to be having some kind of fit in their native language. That'll be good. Nothing like being talked about in a foreign language. I think I prefer that though- ignorance is bliss!

Ugh, I need a vacation. Or maybe some kind of medication. Or maybe both. My siblings and I have briefly talked about going back to Universal this spring break but I don't know how that will work out. I would really like to though, or something. Must get out of town!

 I'm rambling but I'm ok with it.

 I recently upgraded my Nook to a Nook tablet and I am in love! It is just like the Nook Color but has a faster processor and it is just amazing. Like a computer on the go. You should invest.

I think that's all. For today. Probably for a while. Goodnight.