Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bucket List

I'm a list person. I make a list for EVERYTHING! Shopping, packing, needing, etc. Recently, I wrote down my bucket list. You know, things I want to do one day. This one is my activity bucket list. I want to go parasailing, swim with dolphins, ride in a hot air balloon, go zip-lining, hang gliding, kayaking, scuba diving, etc, and I am really eager to get started knocking these things off my list. But, I don't want to do them alone and for most of them, I don't live near any of them, like parasailing. So, I'm going to have to do some planning so that I can mark them off the list. I'm tired of being boring and not having these kinds of experiences under my belt.  Who wants to join me?

Related to this same topic, I have a places bucket list. I want to travel the world and see everything. I want to go to London and see where Anne Boleyn was imprisoned before her beheading, or castles in Ireland, or the Parthenon in Greece. I want to see historical places and be able to say "I've been there." Not just around the world, but in the continental US as well. I want to visit New York, cruise to Alaska, see the Grand Canyon. I want to see it all, and the idea that I would live my life and never accomplish this goal is devastating to me.

So, here is my plan. When I graduate, the idea is that I would find a good job, one that supports me and allows me to pay my bills, and I want to live frugally so that I can pay off my student loans in a timely manner. That way, I can continue to live frugally, but instead be able to devote my money to my travels and adventures. Of course, this is assuming that I am going to be single for that long. Probably.

Gah, this is so silly, but one of my biggest fears in life is that I won't be able to go and see and do everything I want to. I want to be adventurous and cultured and well-travelled. And I am determined to make that happen.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! I'm determined to see those places, too! I'm dying to go to Europe.
