Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oh, the Beauty of My Life!

I have a really hard time waiting on God's timing. I want a husband, or a boyfriend, or something and I want it NOW! Not 5 yrs from now, not next year, NOW! While I don't necessarily think now is the best time to be married or trying to get married, I would at least like to have my significant other and know that he is mine and know that we will be together soon. I don't know, maybe it all has to do with my rush to be past this phase of my life and be starting my "big girl" life and in my head a husband, or boyfriend, is part of that. On the flip side though, I would like to be established on my own before I start trying to build my life with someone else. I need to know that if something were to happen, I would be ok. I could take care of myself, pay the bills, get by on my own if something horrendous, Heaven forbid, should happen to my husband or our relationship. So, needless to say, I am torn. Not that it matters- I don't have a boyfriend to worry about and have no choice but to be self-sufficient right now.

On another note, I have been thinking a lot about what I am going to do once I graduate college. Where will I go? What will I do? What if I don't find a job? Will I finally be able to be totally self-reliant? Am I going to be able to make my student loan payments? Should I get my masters?

So. Much. To. Think. About!!!!

I have actually thought that maybe I would like to move out west, like Texas or Colorado. They have nice weather there and I would be closer to the man of my dreams- Timmy!! But, I don't know about the job market there and I would be forever away from my friends and family. That would be the epitome of starting fresh, I do believe. It's all very interesting to think about and very overwhelming, to say the least. I just feel like while I am single, and yes this does sometimes annoy me, I need to take advantage and take the opportunity to go and be and do wherever and whatever I want while I don't have anyone I have to consult or consider. I don't have children or a husband who would be affected by such a huge transition and now is the time to make those kinds of transitions. THEN I can find my man and start my family and hopefully make life transtitions together- Like when Tim gets traded to another NFL team. Yes, those will be nice! So, yes, lots of thoughts, and of course, stress to go along with! Thus, is the beauty of my life!

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