Sunday, June 19, 2011

I really wish I had something to blog about...

I really wish I had something more interesting to say other than I hate my job and I had yet another bad day. For a while now I have been saying that it would be stupid for me to quit my job because I have good insurance that I pay practically nothing for, I have flexible hours which is good for school, and I make better money than most people in retail. However, I am beginning to feel like maybe the time has come for me to move on. I mean, this place wears me out both physically and mentally. I am tired of coming to work and having to work my butt off because there isn't enough help. I am tired of getting into stupid arguments with hateful people when they are the ones who were wrong. I am tired of my employees who think they are untouchable because they are related to people higher than me. I am tired of my fellow employees, the ones I try to take good care of, because they have taken something I have said the wrong way and complained to management- or worse, having a parent complain to management. Finally, I am tired of my blog posts being entirely about how miserable I am at work. To anyone else, the decision would be very clear: if you're miserable, find something else. To me, it isn't that simple. When I leave a place, I think about everything I would be leaving behind. For all of the bad people I deal with at work, both customers and employees, there are good ones who, sometimes, counter them. Not to mention, I am good at my job. Again, for every hateful customer I come across, there is at least one more who loves me and knows when they come to me, they are going to get friendly, speedy service. I can't tell you how many people have told me they are glad when I am working at CS because they know their Western Union isn't going to take forever, or cashing their check is going to be fast and simple. Because, I'll say it, I'm the fastest, and I'm accurate too. And compared to the two fellow employees who have gotten their panties in a wad over something I said, I have several more who tell me they really enjoy working with me or they are so glad I am working that day. Those people make me feel good. So, I am good at my job and I know what I'm doing, but I don't know how much longer I can do this. Do I really want to be stuck here for another two years? Not really, but what else is there with school? With my major, sticking just to night classes isn't entirely possible because a lot of times, with the higher level classes, they are offered once, in the middle of the day, and if you need that class, that time is the only option available. I just don't know what to do. I'm going to have to do a lot of thinking and praying about what it is I need to do.

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