Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Definitely Panicking!!! Blog 5

This test coming up on Friday has me stressed out enough, but when I think about the upcoming interdisciplinary essay, I question why I wanted to come back to school. Whose idea was this? Seriously though, I don’t feel like I completely understand what is expected of me as far as writing the essay goes. Establishing a thesis, answering a question, comparing cultures, tying all of this in with the music and the art, etc. I am honestly lost! I understand that doing all of the blog prompts and reading questions and music analysis is all to prepare us for the analysis of the material as a whole, but I can’t help but wonder why we couldn’t just have a multiple choice test and listen to the music clip and have to identify it with a culture. I really like this class, but at the same time, I hate it.

On a different note, I really do like this class. I don’t have a lot of appreciation for music, I mean, I like Pitbull and Lady Gaga, so there’s not a whole lot to appreciate other than a catchy tune, but I am learning to appreciate music a little more thanks to this class. I will say that while I am whining about what is expected of us as far as the interdisciplinary essay is concerned, I am actually learning to appreciate the music and art in relation to the literature and the time period. For example, today we learned that the Romans used music to express power and intimidation, and I could totally see how they achieved that. Relating that concept to that of the Star Wars theme songs helped me to identity these expressions of power and intimidation even more. Listening to the clips today, I wasn’t intimidated by the music but I think that was 1. Because it wasn’t meant to intimidate me and 2. Because I knew that. I knew there weren’t any Roman soldiers and musicians waiting outside out building waiting to take over our lives but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t able to put my head into a mindset to understand the possibility of power and intimidation.

Word Count: 363

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