I am wicked sore! I have been working out with a trainer for about a month now, and he kicks my butt regularly. I don't know what progress I have been making; I weighed about 2 weeks ago and we are going to weigh again next week. I never did do my measurements before we got started, so I won't ever know what progress I have made thus far, but I can know from this point on. I haven't noticed any major, noticeable differences, but I think (and hope) that I am starting to get smaller, more toned. It's going to take several months for any considerable improvement, but my trainer says he can get me there. I haven't been making it easy on him though because I pretty much fight him every step of the way. It's hard. It hurts. I'm sore. My muscles ache. But, I have to keep going. Pain is beauty. No pain no gain. All that jazz. Ok, I'll stop now. Anyways, it's going to take a lot of time and even more hard work, but I know that I will get there. I just have to be diligent!