It is 3:41 AM and I cannot sleep. I have watched two movies and have now resorted to facebook and still no sleep. I have a runny nose, which is more stopped up than runny, my eyes are burning, it hurts to blow or wipe my nose, and the skin on my face is so dry it is annoyingly itchy. But that's ok because I don't have to work tomorrow which means that I will have the time to catch up on sleep. So here I am blogging.
Christmas is almost here but work really hasn't been that crazy. That's kind of scary because this means that all of those people who haven't already shopped will be there on Friday. Goody. I can only imagine how crazy that day will be, but that just means the time will go by so much faster!
Disney was a blast! I got my picture taken with lots of characters including the wicked stepsisters from Cinderella, Tigger and Eeyore, Mickey and Minnie, Baloo the Bear, and so many others. All of the parks had beautiful Christmas decor and I took A LOT of pictures. We went to all of the parks at least once, some of them twice and one of them like 3-4 times, Crazy! but we all felt like we hadn't really done anything. We didn't walk any of the countries in Epcot and we were only at Animal Kingdom for a few hours. It seems like we rushed through all of the parks but we really didn't. We had plenty of time for all of them. I don't know; maybe it's because we spent so much time on the buses to and from parks and hotel and in lines for rides that it just seems like we didn't do anything. Weird. We had a good time though. We ate like we would never see food again. I tell you, Disney has really good food. You can get tired of it, but that's with anything. They have one of the best philly cheese steak sandwiches I have ever eaten, and pulled pork sandwiches too. Mmmm Mmmm good!!! But there did come a time when I said "no more Disney food!" Instead, we ate at Qdoba and Macaroni Grill which were both very tasty and a welcome change from park food. It was a good trip, and of course, I came home with more pins that anyone could ever need BUT Jenny officially has me beat!
So, now I'm home. I've been home since late Saturday night, and I have been working and getting ready for Christmas. I have wrapped most of what I already bought, but there are a few things I need bags for or something else to go with it. Tomorrow I am finishing up my shopping for the last 3 people. I pretty much know what I am getting them; I just need to make the effort to go out into the madness and get it. I'm taking my friend, Isamar, with me and together, we will brave the crazies!
I think I'm getting tired but I know how this will go down. I will think I'm sleepy so I will turn off my computer only to turn off the light and lay there wired for sound. It's a vicious cycle. I should probably just go ahead and pick out something else to watch. I have a feeling I am going to need it.
PS: the time is now 4:00 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dear Disney, Here I Come!!!
I have 1 test, 1 meeting with my photo instructor, and roughly 18 hours of work between me and my trip to Disney! This week cannot end soon enough. Of course, once I get to Disney, that week will fly by so fast I won't even realize I was there. I still need to study for my Biology exam that takes place on Thursday, clean my bathroom, my bedroom, and pack for the trip, but I really only mind the studying part. I'm so over this semester and studying is just not fun right now. Or ever. I'm really rambling to I think I will call it a day.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Weekend!!!
My weekends start on Thursday nights, even though I don't really have a weekend because that's when I work. I just don't have class. Despite the fact that I have to go to work, this weekend is very VERY welcome! I had 3 major things this week: a Newsletter design to turn in Tuesday, a Biology Lab Practical exam, and a 20-photo Photography project. Whew, and tonight marks the end of all of that being done. No more studying for Biology (this week, Final exam next week), no more design projects (EVER!! if I'm lucky) and no more photos to develop (this part makes me sad). I am FREE for the weekend. On Sunday, I will start studying for my Biology exam because I need a SUPER grade, but until then, I am going to read books, watch movies, and play video games to my heart's content. Oh yeah, and go to work. Boo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Some of my Photography
I have been taking this photography class this semester and it has been super fun!! We worked with film, ancient, I know, but we also developed it ourselves and worked in a dark room like you see in the movies. It has been a really awesome class and I'm sad I can't take it next semester. Anyways, here are just a few of the pieces I did for my midterm project. My final project is due tomorrow and when I get that back, I will post some of those. Some of them were really cool!
In all actuality, I only took the gravestone picture. My friend Isamar actually took the other two (but i did develop these!!) BUT the ones I have coming up for my final are all mine! And by far the coolest!

Notice that the gravestone is for someone who lived in the late 1800s. If you can see that. I thought that was very cool.
I like the reflection of the pot on the surface of the stove and I like how the steam in the picture turned out.
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