It is 3:41 AM and I cannot sleep. I have watched two movies and have now resorted to facebook and still no sleep. I have a runny nose, which is more stopped up than runny, my eyes are burning, it hurts to blow or wipe my nose, and the skin on my face is so dry it is annoyingly itchy. But that's ok because I don't have to work tomorrow which means that I will have the time to catch up on sleep. So here I am blogging.
Christmas is almost here but work really hasn't been that crazy. That's kind of scary because this means that all of those people who haven't already shopped will be there on Friday. Goody. I can only imagine how crazy that day will be, but that just means the time will go by so much faster!
Disney was a blast! I got my picture taken with lots of characters including the wicked stepsisters from Cinderella, Tigger and Eeyore, Mickey and Minnie, Baloo the Bear, and so many others. All of the parks had beautiful Christmas decor and I took A LOT of pictures. We went to all of the parks at least once, some of them twice and one of them like 3-4 times, Crazy! but we all felt like we hadn't really done anything. We didn't walk any of the countries in Epcot and we were only at Animal Kingdom for a few hours. It seems like we rushed through all of the parks but we really didn't. We had plenty of time for all of them. I don't know; maybe it's because we spent so much time on the buses to and from parks and hotel and in lines for rides that it just seems like we didn't do anything. Weird. We had a good time though. We ate like we would never see food again. I tell you, Disney has really good food. You can get tired of it, but that's with anything. They have one of the best philly cheese steak sandwiches I have ever eaten, and pulled pork sandwiches too. Mmmm Mmmm good!!! But there did come a time when I said "no more Disney food!" Instead, we ate at Qdoba and Macaroni Grill which were both very tasty and a welcome change from park food. It was a good trip, and of course, I came home with more pins that anyone could ever need BUT Jenny officially has me beat!
So, now I'm home. I've been home since late Saturday night, and I have been working and getting ready for Christmas. I have wrapped most of what I already bought, but there are a few things I need bags for or something else to go with it. Tomorrow I am finishing up my shopping for the last 3 people. I pretty much know what I am getting them; I just need to make the effort to go out into the madness and get it. I'm taking my friend, Isamar, with me and together, we will brave the crazies!
I think I'm getting tired but I know how this will go down. I will think I'm sleepy so I will turn off my computer only to turn off the light and lay there wired for sound. It's a vicious cycle. I should probably just go ahead and pick out something else to watch. I have a feeling I am going to need it.
PS: the time is now 4:00 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dear Disney, Here I Come!!!
I have 1 test, 1 meeting with my photo instructor, and roughly 18 hours of work between me and my trip to Disney! This week cannot end soon enough. Of course, once I get to Disney, that week will fly by so fast I won't even realize I was there. I still need to study for my Biology exam that takes place on Thursday, clean my bathroom, my bedroom, and pack for the trip, but I really only mind the studying part. I'm so over this semester and studying is just not fun right now. Or ever. I'm really rambling to I think I will call it a day.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Weekend!!!
My weekends start on Thursday nights, even though I don't really have a weekend because that's when I work. I just don't have class. Despite the fact that I have to go to work, this weekend is very VERY welcome! I had 3 major things this week: a Newsletter design to turn in Tuesday, a Biology Lab Practical exam, and a 20-photo Photography project. Whew, and tonight marks the end of all of that being done. No more studying for Biology (this week, Final exam next week), no more design projects (EVER!! if I'm lucky) and no more photos to develop (this part makes me sad). I am FREE for the weekend. On Sunday, I will start studying for my Biology exam because I need a SUPER grade, but until then, I am going to read books, watch movies, and play video games to my heart's content. Oh yeah, and go to work. Boo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Some of my Photography
I have been taking this photography class this semester and it has been super fun!! We worked with film, ancient, I know, but we also developed it ourselves and worked in a dark room like you see in the movies. It has been a really awesome class and I'm sad I can't take it next semester. Anyways, here are just a few of the pieces I did for my midterm project. My final project is due tomorrow and when I get that back, I will post some of those. Some of them were really cool!
In all actuality, I only took the gravestone picture. My friend Isamar actually took the other two (but i did develop these!!) BUT the ones I have coming up for my final are all mine! And by far the coolest!

Notice that the gravestone is for someone who lived in the late 1800s. If you can see that. I thought that was very cool.
I like the reflection of the pot on the surface of the stove and I like how the steam in the picture turned out.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! For the last two years, I have had to work so when I was off this year, I was super excited!!! My Thanksgiving week started Tuesday afternoon when I went to the outlet mall in Commerce to shop with my Step mom and stepsister and 2 of her kids. We were all over that place and I got more of my Christmas shopping out of the way.
When we got home, I packed a small overnight bag and went to South Carolina to see my parents and siblings. Since I didn't get there until 1 AM, I went promptly to bed but then spent all day Wednesday just relaxing and watching movies with my family. Later that night, we all got ready and went to Cracker Barrel for our own little Thanksgiving meal. It was a great day just relaxing and having fun in our jammies.
I came home Wednesday night and Thursday I got up to help Grandma prepare our enormous Thanksgiving feast. The ?? of the day was not "what are we having" it was "what could we possibly have missed?!?" We had EVERYTHING. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, macaroni and cheese, dressing, tomato/carrot cold soup, rolls, sweet potato pie, cream cheese chewy bars, blueberry and banana pie, and oh so much more. Needless to say, I had plenty to eat that day, and a few days after that!
When we got home, I packed a small overnight bag and went to South Carolina to see my parents and siblings. Since I didn't get there until 1 AM, I went promptly to bed but then spent all day Wednesday just relaxing and watching movies with my family. Later that night, we all got ready and went to Cracker Barrel for our own little Thanksgiving meal. It was a great day just relaxing and having fun in our jammies.
I came home Wednesday night and Thursday I got up to help Grandma prepare our enormous Thanksgiving feast. The ?? of the day was not "what are we having" it was "what could we possibly have missed?!?" We had EVERYTHING. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, macaroni and cheese, dressing, tomato/carrot cold soup, rolls, sweet potato pie, cream cheese chewy bars, blueberry and banana pie, and oh so much more. Needless to say, I had plenty to eat that day, and a few days after that!
The semester is almost over and I am super relieved. I cannot wait until the time comes when I can read a book or watch a movie and not be thinking "I should be studying/working on my design project." Of course, that won't last too long since I have another semester coming up immediately in January, but it is a small reprieve and I will take it! I am officially a junior now, which is exciting because my advisor said the next time we meet, in the Spring, we can make out my graduation plan. Very exciting!!!! Every semester will be mapped out which is slightly scary because this means I HAVE to make it in every class in order for the plan to work. But don't worry, no pressure.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Stress in Overdrive
Stress is really heavy. I don't know how you feel about or handle stress, but to me, stress feels like this weight that bears down on my chest. It's very heavy and suffocating, really. It takes over my mind; maybe not the stress itself, but the things that cause the stress. It affects my mood, my health, my overall state of mind. I can remember a time when I would have panic attacks so bad, they felt like heart attacks. My chest would hurt so badly I would dig my fist into my chest trying to reach and alleviate the pain. My arm would go numb. They were awful. And now, I can feel them returning. As I stress about my money, about my grades, about work, homework, I can feel very faint pains associated with my panic attacks, and it makes me kind of sad. It's been a long time since I've had one of these attacks. It makes me sad to think that my life has come to another chapter that stresses me to the point of physical pain. I don't know how to stop it, but I hope that everything works out.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Nook: Pros and Cons
Have you ever looked into an eReader? You know, one of those electronic devices that you download eBooks onto so that you have all your books in one place at your fingertips. Well, there has been much debate for me, and for my Mom, Grandma, and other people I know who are avid readers: is it worth it? Would I mind not having an actual book to turn pages in? Etc... However, after all debate, I think I have decided I want one. Here's where I'm torn:
Don't have a lot of bulky books when traveling
Easier to read while eating
Books are typically cheaper
Have more books in one place at your fingertips
Less storage space necessary for physical books
New releases are waay cheaper as an eBook as opposed to a hardback
Like having an actual book to read and turn the pages
Can't really borrow books from friends unless they have an eReader compatible with yours
Glare factor on the screen, depending on which one you get
Can't really lend to friends unless they themselves have an eReader compatible with yours
Am I limited to eBooks from one specific website?
So many Pros and Cons, how does one choose? There are still some questions I need answers for, but I think I have not only decided that I want an eReader, but which one I want: the Nook Color.
Don't have a lot of bulky books when traveling
Easier to read while eating
Books are typically cheaper
Have more books in one place at your fingertips
Less storage space necessary for physical books
New releases are waay cheaper as an eBook as opposed to a hardback
Like having an actual book to read and turn the pages
Can't really borrow books from friends unless they have an eReader compatible with yours
Glare factor on the screen, depending on which one you get
Can't really lend to friends unless they themselves have an eReader compatible with yours
Am I limited to eBooks from one specific website?
So many Pros and Cons, how does one choose? There are still some questions I need answers for, but I think I have not only decided that I want an eReader, but which one I want: the Nook Color.
Credit Card Debt....
It's amazing how quickly it sucks you in. You think you have a handle on it, but it gets away from you every time. It just grows and grows until before you know it, it's grown bigger than you can keep up with. Then what? You can't afford the payments, you can't afford to be without it, you ultimately can't afford to pay it back. How do you deal? Well, if you're me, you ignore it hoping it will eventually go away and take care of itself. What can I say? Ignorance is bliss!! However, it has finally caught up with me. The time has come to face the music, and thank goodness, I can do that now. By the end of this year, one of my two big credit cards will be paid off and next year the other will be no more as well. It's a good feeling knowing that my credit will drastically improve, I will not have to worry about garnished wages, and this will not shadow me much longer. It's a good feeling. Then all I will have to worry about is paying off my car and my student loan debt. All manageable. I hope. Here is my advice:
and if you do, have it for emergencies only, and don't carry with you so that you cannot whip it out on a whim. Keep it in your undies drawer at home or in a safety deposit box. Make it hard to get to so that the only time it is worth getting it is if you really, truly need it. A TV is not really, truly needed and by the time you get it out, you will have time to let the whim pass. Be smart!
There, there's my soapbox.
and if you do, have it for emergencies only, and don't carry with you so that you cannot whip it out on a whim. Keep it in your undies drawer at home or in a safety deposit box. Make it hard to get to so that the only time it is worth getting it is if you really, truly need it. A TV is not really, truly needed and by the time you get it out, you will have time to let the whim pass. Be smart!
There, there's my soapbox.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Broncos game was awesome! My friend Amy and I had amazing seats, I got lots and lots of pictures, and, most importantly, I got to see my Timmy!!! Of course, it was from afar, but I still saw him live and in person. I got to see my friend Amy, whom I had not seen in almost 2 years, and it made me nostalgic to be back in Shelbyville. I either have to stop visiting that place, or just move back altogether. Which I am planning to do once I finish school. It was a very good trip, to say the least.
In other news, it's my birthday weekend!!! Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 26, but who's counting? I had dinner last night with family at the local Mexican restaurant, where I wore a fabulous sombrero, and had my first Tequila shot. I promply spit that back out. It even smelled disgusting. I work this evening and tomorrow night, my actual birthday, but that's ok. I can have birthday lunch with some friends, and then I still have birthday fun with my parents and siblings to look forward to. Good times!
In other news, it's my birthday weekend!!! Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 26, but who's counting? I had dinner last night with family at the local Mexican restaurant, where I wore a fabulous sombrero, and had my first Tequila shot. I promply spit that back out. It even smelled disgusting. I work this evening and tomorrow night, my actual birthday, but that's ok. I can have birthday lunch with some friends, and then I still have birthday fun with my parents and siblings to look forward to. Good times!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I'm going to a Broncos game!!! Well, it's at the Titans stadium, but the Broncos, and more importantly Tim Tebow, are going to be there!!! I absolutely cannot wait!!! I wanted to go to a game and then I just decided to make it happen. YAY!!! for me. So, the game is Oct. 3 and I am going with my friend Amy. She's a Titans fan, but I will try not to hold that against her! Now, what does every Broncos fan attending a Broncos game need? A shirt, of course! I was so excited that I started looking for a shirt that nobody else would have. Naturally, that doesn't exist and so I decided to design my own. To do that, I turned to and designed an adorable polo in the Broncos color scheme with my name, 15, and Team Tebow on it. How cute is that?!?! Pretty darn! It should be here sometime next week, I hope, and then I will post a picture of how cute I am!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
I don't really know what's going on with me today. I just feel "down." Not depressed down, just not really in the mood to be cheerful or happy. Just in a funk. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Photography Class

I am taking this photography class where we are working with film SLRs, so unknowingly using the wrong film, I took some pictures of my cousins and this is one of my favorites. I had to crop and edit it, and I added the black and white feature, but I thought it came out really well. This is my newest cousin, named Annabel. I hope I can get some more pictures of her and her siblings with the right film so that I can develop those and have something for her parents and grandparents to grace their walls.
Speaking of the right film.... It cost me $72.10 for 23 rolls of film. That makes it roughly $3 per roll. That's a lot but it is professional grade, and we get to develop it for free, and do prints for free. By free, I mean no additional costs other than our lab fees. The picture paper and chemicals are included in the money we paid for the class in our tuition. So, I have developed my first 2 sets of negatives and will be making my contact sheets for those this week and hopefully developing a picture soon after. I am loving this class!
Study Abroad
I have always wanted to study abroad- take classes in another country, but I never thought I would have the money or time to do it. Well, I have the money and I am just going to take the time to do it. I have 2 opportunities to go abroad, one is coming up in December that I might try to participate in. This trip is to England and is only for 7 days. I'm not sure about the timing of the trip (as in the when), but I want to go to England, I like the fact that it's only for a week, and the courses we take, 1 or 2, will count towards our spring semester hours. Of course, of the classes being offered, there is only one that I would find even remotely interesting: English History. The other opportunity is coming up next summer to Spain. This is a communications department trip and I could take some courses that pertained to my major, Public Relations, or my minor, Spanish. I know I am at least going to do one of the two, but I might do both. I'm just so excited!! I'm going to study abroad!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
What a day!!! Today is the second, yet first "official" day of fall classes. Can I just say: INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!! That is really the only way to describe it. Yeesh! I do like my classes though and I think the one I was most worried about, Biology, might actually end up being one of the easier ones. I am taking Biology, Spanish, Photography, Publication Production (graphic design), and kickboxing. It's going to be a VERY busy semester, but I am looking forward to it. My Pub. Prod. class sounds like it will be totally fun, assuming I ever learn the program we are using, and my photography class will be LOADS of fun, if I can remember what all the numbers mean. Who knew there was so much to photography?!? Not me!!! But I'm excited, and I'm really hoping I can get some treasured wall pieces out of it. And who knows, maybe I will grow up to be a graphic designer or photographer!! All in all, very busy, yet fun, semester!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sometimes I cry a lot
I get in these moods where everything I feel sad about or think about something that makes my heart melt, I cry. I cry because I don't feel loved. I cry because I do feel loved. I cry because I'm so proud of one of my friends or coworkers. I cry because I love my coworkers and I pray that God allows them to one day have more than they have today. I cry because I'm right, and then again because I'm wrong. I cry because I miss my Grandpa, and I cry because I'm so grateful he was mine. I cry about a lot of things. Things that are completely out of my control. Things that aren't really even mine to cry about. Things that God would tell me to let him handle, if only I would listen. Crying isn't just about grieving. Crying is about healing too. Crying is about letting out the bad and embracing the idea that there will be good after the storm. Crying is about letting go, forgiving, loving, hating, being, fearing, sympathizing, rejoicing, dreading, looking forward.
Crying is a verb, and sometimes, the only verb you need.
I hope that makes sense.
Crying is a verb, and sometimes, the only verb you need.
I hope that makes sense.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Universal Studios
I discovered something kinda cool today while I was at work. I work at Kroger, and we sell gift cards for every restaurant, store, occasion etc. This includes a 2-park unlimited admission gift card to Universal Studios for $89. Very cool, but the coolest part is that it gives you 2-park access for a consecutive 7 days!!! Basically, you purchase this gift card ticket and turn it into the ticket office at Universal for a legitimate ticket that is good for 7 days. Considering that when you purchase tickets on the Studios website for 2 days and it's going to cost you over $100, I was totally pumped about this great deal. My siblings and I are planning a trip to Universal Studios this fall to visit the Harry Potter park, and you better believe I will be taking advantage of this very cool deal!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
No Mouse
So, while I was at work I had my Grandpa check into the mysterious rustling noise. No mouse. No evidence of a mouse. Nothing. A trap has been set just in case.
In other news, I am exhausted. The past two days at work have been very crazy with people stocking up for back to school, and I have done nothing but run non-stop all day long. Today was a lot less busy, but after 2 very busy days and a not-so-great night sleep, I am very tired. However, I got off at 4 today, and I don't go back until Wednesday, so I think I'm going to be ok.
On another note, school starts back a week from tomorrow. I think I'm ready. I've had some time off from summer, and now I'm ready to jump back in. After all, the sooner I get started, the sooner I finish, and the sooner I get to be done with school!!
In other news, I am exhausted. The past two days at work have been very crazy with people stocking up for back to school, and I have done nothing but run non-stop all day long. Today was a lot less busy, but after 2 very busy days and a not-so-great night sleep, I am very tired. However, I got off at 4 today, and I don't go back until Wednesday, so I think I'm going to be ok.
On another note, school starts back a week from tomorrow. I think I'm ready. I've had some time off from summer, and now I'm ready to jump back in. After all, the sooner I get started, the sooner I finish, and the sooner I get to be done with school!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I am deathly afraid of little critters, all shapes and sizes. They scare the poo out of me. So naturally, when I'm sitting by my bed and I hear a rustling sound coming from my trashcan, one that sounds too big to me a bug, I get nervous. When I've been laying in bed after I've just turned out the light, I will hear a soft rustling, like something crawling over paper, but I just thought it was a bug or something. Not tonight. Tonight, I'm sitting here, on my laptop and I hear this LOUD rustling sound. Coming from the trashcan. The one RIGHT BESIDE ME. I've moved. I'm afraid to move the trashcan because mystery noisemaker could jump out at me. I'm afraid to leave it alone because then it could get out in the night and eat me. Plan C, the couch, is looking pretty good right about now.
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